Stay Informed! Have a Voice! Get Involved!
The committee, along with other school members, parents and, on occasion, teachers, discuss general happenings within the school, what the P&C are currently doing for the school and make decisions as a team.
The Meetings can take up to 1.5-2hrs, but we encourage everyone to come for simply as long as they are able to - again, no pressure!
We invite you all to become members of your great P&C so you can receive the minutes of the meetings (whether you come or not) and you also have the right to have a voice and vote in Meetings! Download our Membership Form and return to the Yellow P&C Box in the Office or email
General P&C Meeting Schedule: General meetings are held on the second Wednsday of the month 6pm at the school (Hall or Staffroom)-
Please check the P&C Facebook page or Newsletters for any updates.