Parking facilities
Car parking facilities are available outside the school grounds in front of Cobbs Cottage, in Acorn Lane as well as along Pine Grove Road. The staff car park is to be used by Woombye State School Staff and Education Queensland visitors only.
Please consider other people when collecting your children after school. Do not park in the bus stop or in any gateways thereby preventing access for emergency vehicles.
A thirty second pick up/drop off zone exists outside Cobb’s Cottage to assist with the quick collection of students in the afternoons with a minimum of fuss and delay.
Woombye state school is built on a 4.14 hectare site. The school has two ovals, tennis court, basketball courts, netball courts, handball court, adventure playgrounds and additional playing areas.
- The following buildings are currently in use:
- Block G – Administration/Staffroom, Classrooms and Library
- Block C – Cobb’s Cottage – ‘Outside School Hours Care’ facility
- Block E – Classrooms
- Block F – Classrooms
- Block H – Classrooms
- Block J - Classrooms
- Block K – Classrooms, Music (Instrumental Music Program and Classroom Music)
- Block N – Inclusion Zone and Technology
- School Hall
- Tuckshop